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Remember what it feels like to hold your newborn in your arms? The weight of them against your chest? Me neither....


They grow up so fast, they gain weight so quickly, and change from little bundles to big personalities in what seems like the blink of an eye!


My little boy was 'on the small side of small' when he was born. At just 4lb and terribly jaundice my life became an obsession over him gaining weight. Now, a healthy (cheeky) 4 year old I can't remember that tiny bundle they handed me. And so Weighed With Love was born. Sat on my sofa one morning chatting with my mum I explained I wanted to make something that weighed the same as my son did when he was born. Work began, making patterns and experimenting with different ways to weight things.


A year on we make our Weighted Whales in any weight up to 11lb. For chunky babies and teeny tiny babies and everything in between! And we've posted them to Scotland, Ireland, America and even Australia!

Have a little look around!

I'm just a simple whale...
Our Story

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